Ultimate Guide To web development (Frontend web development)

in this Blog you have a clearly explain about web development, this steps you can follow for six months you land into a job

1. what is web development ? why do we learn it  ?

It is by creating website  and webpages by using certain technologies like HTML,CSS, JAVASCRIPT . These are the technologies to learn web development as a web developer we need to develop the web pages, and websites through these technologies you read in the above

2. which technologies to learn for Front End web development?

HTML 5: 
-it is the updated web markup language(html: hyper text markup language)
-it used to structure the page or it is like the skeleton of the body

-it is updated version of the css ( css: cascading style sheet)
-it is used to color the html language with colors,
-It is like the skin of the body that covers with beautiful colors like eyes, nose, ears, hair,...etc

- it is the scripting language used to do functionality of the web page
- it is object orient programming language 
JavaScript is an in the nick of time gathered programming language. It helps in adding dynamic highlights to your site. This is utilized for both front end and back end tasks. 

JavaScript rudiments are not difficult to learn. A significant number of the front-end just as back-end structures incorporate NodeJS and AngularJS use JavaScript. It is broadly utilized for applications like chatbots utilizing full stack innovation. A Java guide structure is imperative to any full-stack advancement jobs, either junior or senior, in practically all associations.

3. how many types of web developers in the it industry?

there are three types of web developers in the it industry
1. frontend web developer
2. backend web developer
3. full stack web developer

Front end web developer :

Backend web developer :

Full stack web developer:
 the combination of both front end  and back end developer  are full stack developers.

4. Best ides for practice the web development

There  are so  many types of ides
browser ( you can use your default browser to run these basic types of codes like HTML, CSS, our browsers are build for that purpose, To run the HTML and CSS codes)

5.How Much Time To complete [Front End Development] ?

HTML : 3 To weeks
CSS : 4 to 5 weeks
Java Script : 6 weeks
Github : 2 weeks
Angular: 3 weeks
Bootstrap: 2 weeks
React : 4 weeks

Think before you do . 
👉need consistency of what you are doing.
👉practice daily of 5 to 6 hours
👉keep upto date on web technologies like Wordpress.
✋ that's it for you to have the skill set to land First job in Web Technology field in Next 7 to 8 months.